Sunday in my kitchen
It has been a delightful Sunday working in my kitchen. While making broccoli/smoked gouda soup and bread, I've also been puttering about washing windows, dusting and organizing. As I cleaned all the various knicknacks, I thought I'd share some of my favorites.
In one corner of my kitchen hangs this little shelf that Nels made me for Christmas last year. On the shelf is a fish he made out of clay in elementary school and a rendition of the White House by Lou. Hmm. After looking at this photo, I think I need to rearrange.
My favorite knicknack on the shelf is this little squirrel pincushion that once belonged to my Grandmother. It sat on the windowsill in her kitchen!
My kitchen as deep green shelves running under the kitchen windows. It leaves lots of room for stuff (and dust). I've slowly been building a collection of heart rocks. These all came from the island where we spend our summer vacation.This bamboo plant sits right over the faucet. It was given to us by friends when Lou broke both her arms. It's still alive!
I collect sweetgrass baskets. There are two on the kitchen shelf. I got this one from a basketmaker while I was visiting with the Gullah in South Carolina.
This little sweetgrass basket was made by a Micmac artisan. I picked it up on Lennox Island up in Canada when we went to visit the Micmac nation.
I got this little piece of stained glass when Hels and I went to Washington Cathedral for Evensong. It will always remind me of that special evening with the setting sun shining in the rose window.
This little group of blue and white china came from my Grandmother's house. She used to serve cream in these little pitchers each morning with our hot cereal.
Nels decided he was ready to discuss marriage after his first visit to my grandparents. He picked up a double acorn to remember the walk we went on. He gave me this acorn tile as a reminder. It hangs over the stove.
This little cutting board stands by the toaster. It was carved for us by a friend after we spent a ski weekend with him. He even signed the back for us.
And, finally, there are two tiny watercolors of fruit. These were painted by my Mother-in Law as a gift for our kitchen. Forgive the photography--I'm using Nels' little camera :)
William Morris wrote, "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." I believe that while usefulness and beauty are important, so are things that have story or memory.
Well, back to Sunday in my kitchen. What is on your kitchen windowsill?
love this post!
This was such a treat to read and see the items also.
What lovely stories they all are.
The acorn story and your grandmother's pitchers.....just fabulous.
I love ordinary treasures. Those things which are both useful, meaningful, and beautiful. Nice! :)
hmm on my kitchen windowsill.. mess & dishwashing liquid. Yours is lovely! I especially like the wee stained glass window and hand carved bread board.. maybe when i grow up mine will look more like yours does! ;)
Love that squirrel!
The windowsill above my sink holds some milk glass (which I collect),
a very old bottle my DH unearthed while we were dating (decades ago)filled with sand from our fave
beach and some very old jelly jars that came from a friend of my Grandparents, as well as a tiny crystal vase filled with the last of my fresh basil.
Oh my goodness. I have a heart rock collection too. Mostly they came from my daughter and her daugher. I didn't even dream anyone else would collect them.
I enjoyed peaking into your kitchen and reading the stories behind your things. I have the same little blue and white Chinese bowls...I got them in San Francisco's Chinatown.
I've been trying hard over the last few years to follow the beautiful/useful guideline. Sometimes it's hard with two small children who love to make lots of "crafts"!
But things like yours, that all have good memories and associations, make a house a home.
Oh I love this!
I'm trying so hard to not be so knicky-knacky but I'm afraid I'm a collections! XXxx
Beautiful Kitchen! I also collect heart rocks, I have one on my kitchen window sill. That squirrel is really great
Beautiful how everything has a lil' story in your kitchen there... What's in my kitchen? Hmmm. Not having a kitchen again til November 1st. :-) I'll let ya know. It seems I have forgotten what I even own! lol
Thank you for that 'visit' to your kitchen. Two dolls made from leaves and gradually drying are likely the most interesting things in mine at the moment.
Lovely items - they have such a clean line with warm feelings - not cluttered like my kitchen. I will have to edit...
Lovely, insipring kitchen shots. I must admit that I hate my kitchen-- it's too long and the washer/dryer are crammed into one end of it. The layout is a a real turnoff to wanting to spend time working in it.
Such warm memories in your kitchen!
I like the the stories of your Grandmother, and the story of the double acorn is so beautiful! My kitchen window holds a few "heart" rocks, my daughter is so good at finding them, a little thrifted dish full of sparkling micah that is so prevalent in the river by our house, my kids call them "fairy mirrors" a plant start from my mom's plant she gave me when I moved, and a little picture of ice skaters skating in the moonlight that was my grandmothers.
they are all beautiful, but the squirrel, oh my, that's priceless.
Hi Sarah, I guess I am your fifth cousin once removed. You and my children are sixth cousins! Ha all very confusing!
Great you visited my blog and fab to hear from you, you Mum and Dad are two amazing people, I have chatted to your Mum over the internet for several years, and when we met we just seemed to really get on well. I didn't know your mum knew my blog address,I thought she was talking to me about my family tree website, anyway it's great to "meet" you too. I love your blog and have read lots about your lovely girls. I love all the things on your kitchen shelves, I think my favourite has to be the Squirrel pincusion and the blue china! Will visit you often now I have found you.
I don't know if I have missed it (as we don't celebrate it here) but Happy Thanksgiving just in case.
Jennie x
i love the story behind the acorn sweet. i'm very sentimental about the treasures i have tucked into little corners of my home too. this was a lovely little tour of your home and you history. thank you.
I loved Sunday in your Kitchen...think my favorite is Grandma's little squirrel helper. Many beautiful meaningful things, so sweet.
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted