Getting Out in the Snow
Yesterday's post brought up some comments about getting outside in the winter. I feel so much better when I get out, but I need an kids often just want to roll and 'be' in the snow. So, here are some ideas:
A bale of hay or clippers to cut pine boughs and a little imagination make for wonderful winter forts...add a thermos of hot cocoa or soup to eat in the fort= a great time outdoors!
Draw the shadows of tree limbs and boughs.
Bring out a book with pictures of animal tracks and identify animals.
Follow a bird's trail in the snow.
After it snows, go out and count the number of bird nests you can see--they are easier to see with a pile of snow on them.
Make a midwinter tree for the birds filled with berries, suet, and fruit.
The next time it snows, go outside with a piece of black construction paper and catch some snowflakes. Bring out a magnifying glass. Later, explore Snowflake Bentley's work and make a woodblock print of a snow scene.
The next time it snows, stand some place where you can only see the sky when you look straight up. Keeping your head up, focus your eyes on the falling snow. At first it will look as if you are peering into a sky full of falling feathers, but as you continue to stare, you will feel as though you are moving up through the snow rather than as if the snow if falling down toward you. You have to only see snow and sky or your eyes will not be tricked. Um...don't fall over. (This idea came from the book in my sidebar Talking to Fireflies)
Of course, you could just send them out and have a nice cup of tea.What do you find fun to do outdoors in the winter?
Thanks for these great ideas. Hopefully we'll stop being such wussies and try a few this weekend. But I'm tucking away Snowflake Bentley for next December, when we'll be doing a mini unit on snow!
These are great ideas. Thanks for sharing, we'll have to try them. My kids would love to make a fort, then we could use the hay in the garden come spring. We really like to go sledding but we have to drive somewhere to do that- your ideas would work in our own backyard.
We like to torture one of our children to run outside, really quick, and start the van. We let it run for at least a half an hour and then we put on three layers of clothes and ALL RUN REAL FAST to the van (which is a whole, 15 steps away from the house). We yell at the ones who are too slow to shut the door and let out all the heat. Then, we drive to the absolutely necessary place (such as the grocery store, drug store, or doctor) and dread getting out and starting the process all over again. But, that's just us. FUNFUNFUN!
(We woke up to 30 below...again! Can you tell I'm a little tired of it?)
LOL Laura--I'm the same way when it gets super-cold. What I'd give for a remote car-starter on those days. Of course, today there are 40 mph winds and the snow is just whirling--where are my kids? Outside. Not me!
Ahem, I would be the sort to send the kids outside and enjoy a nice cup of tea. The baby is a convenient excuse when there is a wind chill!
Ahem, I would be the sort to send the kids outside and enjoy a nice cup of tea. The baby is a convenient excuse when there is a wind chill!
I just wish we have winters like yours.
this year we had snow and it staid for one day !!
Ooh I would love to "be" in the snow and just play like a child!! ;-)
Happy wintertime!
snowflake bentley book. Looks lovely, is it a story or a practical book.
This is a wonderful list of winter activities, and a great reminder that the best way to enjoy any season is to get outdoors. Thank you so much for posting this, Sarah.