A Fairy World
As you may know from the book Fairy Houses, Maine islands have fairies. "Our" island has many special secret places that you get to through dark, damp paths through the woods. We explored at least one spot every day.
Here are the girls heading into the woods which begins with a tunnel of sumac.
There is one path on the island that is pure magic. As we walked through the dark woods, the way was marked by white mussel shells with pure white stones placed inside them.
In these woods the whites glow white.
The greens are brilliant.And everywhere you look, there are places where fairies just might really live. As we walked along this dark path marked by white pearls, Lou whispered "Mom, I think some sea fairies must have been here."
We emerged from the quiet, magical forest to the dramatic ocean side of the island at Ship's Cove, named for an old shipwreck that used to be here. The waves were pounding on the outer cliffs while rainwater trickled down the inner cliffs in gentle waterfalls.
We spent a long time at Ship's Cove listening to the roaring and the trickling, collecting sea glass, and exploring the wildness of the beach.
We then headed back through the woods along the fairy trail where even the trees are fairy-scale.
Fairy Houses is a delight to read if you haven't had the chance. I believe there is also a video. The book provides lots of ideas and inspirations for building fairy houses.
So beautiful and magical...I loved this post! Fairy Houses is a favorite book at our house.
I also wanted to say I've been reading Mitten Strings for God after seeing your sidebar. This is a wonderful book!
Those photos are absolutely beautiful. I can't even imagine how much your daughters must have loved walking along where fairies live!
I love the photo of the girls walking into the woods together. Amelia loved making fairy houses, she doesn't really do this anymore... although she spends much of her days in the woods. The video "Kristin's Fairy House" is very sweet and your trip to the island reminded me of this book&video even before you mentioned them in this post. I think Tara told me about that video when our girls were just little fairies themselves. Amelia and I spent endless afternoons building fairy houses together, as she got older they became bigger and bigger dwellings; places she could live in herself. I love this about childhood-just being able to slip into other worlds on a whim.
What special memories your children will have of their family vacations.
What a Fabulous place to visit. The photo of the girls walking is just priceless and needs to be framed! You will have to send the location in Maine, and I will have to check it out for a vacation next year!
I have really enjoyed seeing bits of your island. Thanks for sharing the simple beauty.
How fabulous that your family can have this experience. I loved 'Fairy Houses' all of the several times we read it here. Blessings. Gorgeous photos!
Fairy houses are so wonderful...I haven't seen the book or video, just made them ourselves, with inspiration from our friend Fairy Una Wildwood.