A Birthday
Yesterday we celebrated H's 11th birthday. She woke to find her first geared bike waiting for her in the living room. We then whisked her off to a surprise breakfast before school. She and her classmates shared a birthday treat of lemon squares, and her teacher gave her a beautiful verse which fit her so well:
Years ago a chrysalis
Hid the butterfly's shimmering wings
Hid the sun-catching flight of joys to come;
Now she's emerged full grown.
With confidence in her wings and laughter in her heart,
she greats the sun.
E spent the afternoon decorating for dinner--lots of tissue paper flowers all over the birthday girl's chair. In the evening we had her favorite dinner--homemade mac & cheese and an ice cream cake. She opened up presents from her extended family and is thrilled with a pile of new books and some gift cards for clothes.