Flotsam and Jetsam of Life
Do you have a junk drawer? Well, we have a junk basket which lives on our kitchen island. It has been getting just a little full, so I decided to try and empty it today.... let's see what we find.
Here's a little pile of stuff for Lou to put away-- flute, panda, journal, gnome, bouncy ball....
Duck whistle...
Fortune-telling equipment ...
Beeswax fingernail collection...
Then there is all the lost stuff-- the sunglasses....The calculators....
The chapsticks....
The jacknives...
Can anyone really write with these?
Unfinished knitting projects--this is a bagpipe chanter case.
What is all this stuff?
Like any good junk drawer, this basket will never be empty. It still has the drill bits, tape measure, camera, sunglasses, and other bits of stuff. At least it isn't exploding all over the kitchen.One little spring cleaning project is done!
Ooooh...this was fun to read and see. I enjoy little glimpses like this into the lives of others. :)
I think we all have these little places. Every time I try to sort through this stuff it all goes back into the drawer, where else does it belong? We have a junk drawer next to our phone in the kitchen and our coffee table has a drawer that is filled with misc. bits of paper and crafting stuff , tangrams, glue,...things that just never found a permanent home.
I enjoyed that glimpse into the ephemera of your life :-) We have a junk drawer - when we move house, we simply get a plastic bag, tip the contents of the junk drawer into it, and transport them to the next junk drawer in the next house. I think we could probably rewire the house, entertain a dozen children, and do enough grocery shopping for a week, with the contents of that drawer!
It was fun to see the contents of your junk basket. :) I've got one of those to, and it only gets cleaned out when it gets too full.
I don't want to say how many junk drawers (piles, spots, areas) we have! But I just sorted through an enormous pile of school papers, drawings, bills to file, etc. and can almost see the top of my desk :-)
Oh, we definately have a junk drawer and the more I try to tidy it up, the fuller it becomes. Then I make piles of things to be packed away and I just end up with piles of junk. So then it usually goes back into the drawer, LOL...
Have a wonderful Easter!
We have a basket on our kitchen island as well, but it catches paper items. Sometimes it is so full-to-overflowing that items cascade down to the floor. Then I know I have to start cleaning it out. I always wonder where all this stuff comes from. No matter what pledge I make about keeping the clutter at bay, it creeps right back!
Oh my, I have that exact basket with pretty much the exact same things in it, I kid you not. From the fortune telling equipment to the panda.
I'm glad to see we are not the only ones with piles of dare I say useless junk...